We often talk about the value of story in decorating, how the details that take you on a journey are what make your home unique.

Whether it be art that communicates spirit, textiles that speak of the mythologies of culture, woven baskets that reflect the necessities of their tradition – both your personal response to the things you love and their wider global context bring depth and personality to a home.

Like a well-stamped passport, a house can contain imprints from all over the globe. And so it is we invite you to consider the beauty and decorative skill of antique Chinese ceramics to add flair to so many possible interiors. The clarity of blue and white on porcelain adds a luxurious and classical accent to both traditional and modern schemes – layers of chinoiserie with whites, linens and raffia are the hallmarks of the Hampton style – but are not confined to this. Adding antiques to a modern space are often exactly the counter-point needed to highlight the form and structure in the pairing. We love mingling these ceramics with raw wood and a natural palette – their sheen and vivid blue bring elegance and balance to humble materials and neutral hues.

Inspired? Our latest delivery of Chinese antique ceramics is now available in stores and online.